Getting Started


Table of contents

Install Wakanda

Download the latest Wakanda Community Edition on Find the Enterprise Edition on

Setup the mobile stack

When you create or open a project, your can check in the console for any missing prerequisites:

For example, you’ll need Xcode to create iOS apps or Android SDK for Android apps.


Do you need help? Open the Mobile Troubleshooting App from the console or the main menu (Help > Wakanda Mobile Troubleshooting). Then, detect and fix common issues:

Increase your productivity

Live reload

The following message in the console warns you when live reload is deactivated:

If you want the page to reload automatically after any file changes occur, please install node and gulp:

npm install -g gulp

Close the web preview panel and click again on Run Page. The Studio will install automatically the live-reload requierements:

Add extensions

Improve your development workflow adding and updating Studio extensions. To do so, open the Add-ons app from the toolbar. The Add-ons badge notifies you when extension updates are available:

Now, you are ready to build your app!

Getting Started »