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Interface WAKSystemWorkerOptions


  • WAKSystemWorkerOptions



Optional emulateTerminal

emulateTerminal: Boolean

(default: false) true to emulate a terminal ouput for running the current system worker, false otherwise.


stdout and stderr are mixed in the same output

Optional escapeSequences

escapeSequences: Boolean

(default: true) true to return all ANSI escape sequences in the output when emulatingTerminal options is true, false otherwise.

Optional folder

folder: String | WAKFolderInstance

Root folder for the worker executable. Native relative file paths will be resolved with this folder as parent.

Optional kill_process_tree

kill_process_tree: Boolean

(default: false) true to terminate the process tree started by the system worker once terminated, false otherwise.

Optional parameters

parameters: Object

Passes named parameters to command line. {name} is replaced with the value of the options.parameters.name attribute. Parameters can be of type String, Number, File or Folder.

Optional quote

quote: String

Escapes character (can be an empty string). Named parameters may need to be escaped depending on the system worker and OS on which it is executed.

Optional stdin

stdin: String

String data to pass to system worker.

Optional variables

variables: Object

Defines custom environment variables for the system worker.