Publish your App

Version control your code

Step 1: Create a local repository

Click on to open Git. Then, click on Create Git Repository.

Step 2: Initial commit

Add changes to your stage and make a first commit:

Step 3: Setup a remote repository

  • First create a remote repository, “Wakanda-Hello-World” on your Github account. (Or retrieve an existing remote repository URL)

  • Copy its html link

  • Click on the Git menu icon and then Add a remote to open the Remote Repositories panel.

  • Setup your remote repository, by pasting your remote repository url:

  • Finally, push your app on your account with a right-click on the git menu.

Let us know who your favorite superheroes are with a Wakanda tag on your app!

We have a thing with the Black Panther, and you ?


  • The password will be saved as plain text in the .git/config file.
  • You can however leave the Username and Password fields empty and cache your password in Git.

Cache your password in Git

  • Mac OS X: git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain

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  • Windows: git config --global credential.helper wincred

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