Hello World: your first Web App with Angular

Step 1 : Install Wakanda

First, download and install Wakanda Enterprise Edition


  • Wakanda supports Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, macOS 10.11 or above and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Now we can start our HelloWorldWeb project.

Step 2: Choose : mobile or web app, angular or angular2 ?

We can choose the kind of app we want to create : mobile, web or both.

Here we want to create an Angular web app.

To do this:

  • open the studio

  • click on “Create a new solution”:

Which opens the template selection page:

For a Hello World we don’t need a back-end. So, select only web, to have a web front-end, with the Angular1 template.

Name your app HelloWorldWeb, and click on Create

In the left panel, a tab with the name of your solution HelloWorldWeb is now openned.

You can find two folders:

  • HelloWorldWeb: it contains the files of your solution.
  • web: it contains your web front-end project structure.


  • You can create multiple web (or mobile) front-ends by right-clicking on the name of your solution (New>Project)

For our HelloWorldWeb we’re only going to work in the web folder.

Step 3: Run your web application

First let’s have a look to our web template.

Click on the Run toolbar button:

Step 4: Code your Angular application

Let’s have a look to our web project structure : as for a classical Angular app file structure, you have the index.html file and folders app and assets` at the root.

  • index.html handles loading in all the libraries and Angular elements
  • assets is very standard: it contains all the shared assets as css, images, librairies
  • app is the core of your app. It contains all your controllers.

A simple change in web/index.html and I have my HelloWorld done:

<h1>Hello Wakanda Newbies!</h1>

To make it more visual, you can change the background color in its css file web/assets/css/style.scss:

body {
    background-color: #51D8C6;
#wakanda-logo {
    margin: 0;
    max-height: 50%;
    max-width: 50%;

Tips: The preview is automatically reloaded after each saving.